Monday, 23 January 2017

10 Proven Strategies to Increase Your AdSense Revenue...



This is one of the most common factors involved in getting low vs. high CTR.
You should try putting Adsense ads around the content and above the fold. (Above-the-fold ads perform far better than below-the-fold ads!)
You can blend the ads with your site design.
Something that bloggers often ignore are link-based ads. Link-based ads are different from banner ads, and they don’t decrease the CTR of main ads if optimized properly. I usually prefer to keep these types of ads on the header navbar.
When you are designing a website for Adsense income, you should keep the AdSense heatmap in your mind. This way you can easily create Adsense-optimized themes and designs for your new site.
Here are some of the Adsense sizes which work best:
  • 336 * 280 : Large Rectangle
  • 300*250 :
  • 728*90
  • 160*600
As you can see, in the Adsense world size matters.
Organic Traffic /U.S :
Adsense ads perform best when your traffic is from search engines.Also, interest-based ads might not perform as well if you are getting more direct traffic. Many people complain about low CPC and low Adsense income despite leaving millions of impressions per month. This is mostly due to CPC and traffic sources. Start targeting traffic from countries like the U.S.A and the U.K, and you will end up getting high CPC.....